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Path Finder For Blind People
Student Team/ Author : Amruta C. Khot, Amruta A. Patil, Bhagyashri K. Jagtap, Aparna S. Kulkarni, Prajakta P. Deshmane, Manisha M. Magdum
Guide By : Mr. B.S. Patil
Degree : Electronics
College : Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute Of Technology Budhgaon Sangli
Normally the blind peoples are dependent on other people in their life, for the sake of their convenience, and to make them independent of other people. Here we are using the radar technique. It consist of trans receiver unit in which continuous transmission of the ultrasonic wave, whenever the obstacle is present, the waves are reflected from that which are received at receiver, which gives the time taken by wave for reflection. By calculating the distance we can make the person aware of the obstacle with voice signal as well as with the vibrations.

Normally the blind peoples are dependent on other people in their life, for the sake of their convenience, and to make them independent of other people.

Here we are using the radar technique. It consist of trans receiver unit in which continuous transmission of the ultrasonic wave, whenever the obstacle is present, the waves are reflected from that which are received at receiver, which gives the time taken by wave for reflection. By calculating the distance we can make the person aware of the obstacle with voice signal as well as with the vibrations.

This main controlling and computing process is carried out by CPLD which is achieved by the embedded system using VLSI technique or micro controller.

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