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21 May,2015 : Summer School 2015

We are happy to inform you that SRISTI is organising third summer school on inclusive innovation program from 21st May 2015 to 11th June 2015. We are inviting enthusiastic young minds who wish to spend their summer break in the process of solving social challenges with possible mass impact in the following fields:

You may refer to the previous Summer School programmes at:

  • Developing technological innovation for Eliminating Child Labour
  • Innovation pertaining to Healthcare of Women and Children
  • Reducing Drudgery for Women and Child through technological intervention
  • Developing tools and content related to Educational Innovation for children
  • Technological innovations to improve Sanitation for Women and Children
  • Designing and prototyping the solutions suggested by children during previous Children Innovation Workshops
Who can participate ?

Students from UG, PG and PhD from across the country; having inclination to solve social challenges through technological innovations in the following disciplines can participate in this programme:

  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Applied Science
  • Social Science
  • Any other related field aligned to the above mentioned problems

SRISTI will bring in mentors and related experts to help participants fine tune their designs and fabricate their solutions. The organiser will bear the cost of field research, prototyping and fabrication of the innovations. SRISTI would like to acknowledge each participant’s successful contribution with a certificate. SRISTI would also like to make the innovation open source so that the people in need can benefit out of them without any restriction. In case of any patent filing for defensive purposes, we will acknowledge the innovator.

A common framework to be replicated across engineering universities and colleges will be developed. The purpose is to involve young students in summer vacations to solve real life social challenges and make sustainable impact. We will publish the best interventions and success stories thorough Honey Bee Network newsletter and Techpedia portal to encourage many more young minds to contribute towards this cause.

You may submit your application to:

SaugatDutta/Arihant Kumar Singh

+91 9099258492

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Message of Appreciation

I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions...
By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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