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23 Dec,2011 : NGO to reward tech innovations

AHMEDABAD: In a bid to promote innovation among young minds, city-based NGO, Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (Sristi), has established three national awards for innovative projects by students and faculties in the areas of engineering, pharmacy, science and applied technologies.

The awards, which will be given through Sristi's Techpedia, will be available in three different categories including Gandhian Innovations Award, Sristi Socially Relevant Technological Innovation Award and Strategic Innovation/Technological Edge Award. The online registration for the awards have begun on Ttechpedia's website.

While the registrations will continue till February 10, 2012, the awardees will be facilitated at IIM-Ahmedabad on March 1, 2012.

Gandhian Innovations Award will be awarded to student projects addressing an important social, environmental or technological problem faced by the public or people who face certain disadvantages or micro and small enterprises. Sristi Socially Relevant Technological Innovation Award will be given to the best student projects which have significant amount of novelty and social applications. The Strategic Innovation/Technological Edge Award will be handed to students who have made a breakthrough in any field of engineering, pharmacy, medical, agricultural, or any other technological field.

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Message of Appreciation

I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions...
By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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