A Geoenvironmental Study Of Creek And River Islands In Kundalika Between Kopri And Bahe In Raigad District Of Maharashtra
Student Team/ Author :
Inamdar, Vileena
Guide By :
Karlekar, S N
Degree :
College :
Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth
Chapter 1 of introduction throws light on characteristics of tidal sector in general. Ridges of detrital sediments, sand bars and sand lenses are an important geomorphic feature of modern tidal sectors of Konkan Rivers. Reduction in size, change in shape, linear growth in upstream and downstream direction are the salient features of these forms. The accumulation forms, which are not stable, are swept away by strong waves in monsoons. They are essentially sand bars in creeks. The islands are relatively stable and covered by vegetation, especially mangroves. The shallowness of the intertidal areas in these estuaries allows the growth of swamps and marshes on sand islands and margins of tidal flats. The lower reaches of rivers, especially the tidal sectors of Konkan rivers show many islands, sand bars and sand lenses. The islands in the tidal sector of the rivers are submerged partially or fully in every high tide depending on their height above tidal level and are exposed during low tide. They are the breeding grounds of many tidal water organisms. The mangroves are the common plants w
Chapter 1 of introduction throws light on characteristics of tidal sector in general. Ridges of detrital sediments, sand bars and sand lenses are an important geomorphic feature of modern tidal sectors of Konkan Rivers. Reduction in size, change in shape, linear growth in upstream and downstream direction are the salient features of these forms. The accumulation forms, which are not stable, are swept away by strong waves in monsoons. They are essentially sand bars in creeks. The islands are relatively stable and covered by vegetation, especially mangroves. The shallowness of the intertidal areas in these estuaries allows the growth of swamps and marshes on sand islands and margins of tidal flats. The lower reaches of rivers, especially the tidal sectors of Konkan rivers show many islands, sand bars and sand lenses. The islands in the tidal sector of the rivers are submerged partially or fully in every high tide depending on their height above tidal level and are exposed during low tide. They are the breeding grounds of many tidal water organisms. The mangroves are the common plants which grow plentifully in the creek on substratum comprised of silt and clay. They are also the home to many shorebirds.Chapter 2 provides a physical background of the study area and aims, objectives and method of this research work. Kundalika is a major river in konkan region of Maharashtra. River originates in Western Ghats at an altitude of 820 m. ASL near Hirdewadi and meets the Arabian Sea near Revdanda in Raigad District of Maharashtra. The study area is a tidal lower stretch of river Kundalika between Kopri in the west and Bahe to the East. The total length of the river is 67.9 km of which the lower 30 km. stretch from river mouth near Revdanda up to Roha is a tidal stretch. Study area is a tidal stretch of river Kundalika up to Roha is a 26.5 km; stretch characterized by about 17 islands of varying sizes and shapes.
I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions... By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam