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A Portable Communication Aid For Deaf Blind People
Student Team/ Author : Satish kumar ravi, Dharmoji Vinayak, Sacin Patil, Ravi Pandey
Guide By : Prof.Gaiwad.
Degree : Innovation
College : P.V.P.Institute of Technology , Budhgaon
Deaf person can depended on vision to understand their environmental , therefore, they usually develop gestures & then express themselves to oyhers through sing language or other modes. Persons, who are blind, can use their intact sense of hearing to receive environmental cause. As a result , blind persons usually have little difficulty in learning to speak & to communicate with others. However, deaf-blind persons function quite different from persons who are either deaf or blind.Due to extreme sensory deprivation, they can not respond normally to their family members & others. Therefore some of them function in some ways like mentally retarded persons. Thus developing some kinds of communication aids to help them communicate with others & to enable them to lead more productive lives is a very demanding challenge. In the prototype, there are two operating modes; sighted-to-disabled mode & Disabled-to-sighted mode.

Deaf person can depended on vision to understand their environmental , therefore, they usually develop gestures & then express themselves to oyhers through sing language or other modes. Persons, who are blind, can use their intact sense of hearing to receive environmental cause. As a result , blind persons usually have little difficulty in learning to speak & to communicate with others. However, deaf-blind persons function quite different from persons who are either deaf or blind.Due to extreme sensory deprivation, they can not respond normally to their family members & others. Therefore some of them function in some ways like mentally retarded persons. Thus developing some kinds of communication aids to help them communicate with others & to enable them to lead more productive lives is a very demanding challenge.

In the prototype, there are two operating modes; sighted-to-disabled mode & Disabled-to-sighted mode.

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