A Study Of Factors Governing Access And Equity In Open Distance Learning Programmes: With Special Reference To Distance Mode Institutes (deis) Of Dual Mode
Student Team/ Author :
Mehta, Neelima M
Guide By :
Lele, Nalini A
Degree :
College :
Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth
The policy for the development of higher education has been mainly governed by the various education commissions and latest by National Policy of education. The Commission gave emphasis on five main goals for higher education – i.e. 1. Greater Access. 2. Equal Access i.e. Equity. 3. Quality and Excellence 4. Relevance and 5. Value based Education. After taking the review of higher education in the post independence period i.e. Six decades after independence the decided goals and objectives of higher education have been not achieved. Therefore in present scenario of 21st century supplementary parallel non formal education system came in to existence. Distance Education is one of the stream among them. The Open Distance Learning System (ODL) has emerged as a vibrant and dynamic component of higher education infrastructure in the country. It provides access to quality education, at present about 23.35% of the total population of learners in Higher Education are taking the advantage of Open Distance Learning System. The system has higher level of cost efficiency, flexibility and inno
The policy for the development of higher education has been mainly governed by the various education commissions and latest by National Policy of education. The Commission gave emphasis on five main goals for higher education – i.e. 1. Greater Access. 2. Equal Access i.e. Equity. 3. Quality and Excellence 4. Relevance and 5. Value based Education. After taking the review of higher education in the post independence period i.e. Six decades after independence the decided goals and objectives of higher education have been not achieved. Therefore in present scenario of 21st century supplementary parallel non formal education system came in to existence. Distance Education is one of the stream among them. The Open Distance Learning System (ODL) has emerged as a vibrant and dynamic component of higher education infrastructure in the country. It provides access to quality education, at present about 23.35% of the total population of learners in Higher Education are taking the advantage of Open Distance Learning System. The system has higher level of cost efficiency, flexibility and innovative application of ICT for the vast multitude of learners left unserved by the formal system. It has the potential to take higher education to more and more people irrespective of different barriers. There is however large number of learners that have yet to be reached and providing access to them is a challenge before the system. While ensuring equity poses definite challenge for ODL system. The institutional policies, planning, structure, governance, service, culture, philosophy and ideology that determine and sometimes limit, systemic responses need to be analyzed in the light of concrete experiences for effective social interventions and national development.
I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions... By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam