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An Working On Blue Brain Technology And Neuro Cognitive Computing Of Human Machine Interface At The Emotional Level.
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Degree :
College : Tripura Institute of Technology
The motivational thought of such a project is by recollecting of life in plant; a scientific experiment by J.C.Bose century back. If the plants have emotions; & also they can tune into human emotions…& plant emotions can be observed by sensitive equipments; & then this project can be definitely be utilized. There is an another one profiling the similar aspects (#Bioplasma)< New age life aura capture) This project is processed for the following reasons:-  An innovative technological idea. 5  A more faster & accurate search engine just working on the interface created by humanbrain waves and electro magnetic waves inside the computer with internet connected.  Superfast web server portal with an advanced artificially computed psychic power.  One can even search something which is there for his eagerness to know in his subconscious mind; even with break ups or uninitialized write ups in the search engine.  A resourceful product and its process of operation for departmental of defence.  Useful medical technology for comatose & other medically unfit patients who are suffering from
This idea of innovation arosed from uprising an advanced technology with minimal innovative challenges in current status to enhance in betterment for medical sector(mainly emotionally challenged recoverable comatose or vegetative states of an ill-mental patient), a mind reading technique which is well-versed with this model to advance the country in Polygraph test with more accuracy, a Brain Scan technique for a best training of making a sound Canine force, an advancement in structural amendment to present QEEG, this is also a model which includes the Brain Machine Interface thru internet Connectivity and a response structure for any kind of Evoke of Pulses or ERPs , , with respect to Cognitive and Symentic. This innovative technology involves all the similar and like minded subjects and also gives a greater dimension for a collaborative domain of different sectors of people dealing with like –minded inter-collaborative subjects and an opportunity to work hand-on-hand from different science,humanities , and technological aspects. The subjects dealt herewith are Metaphysics, Paranomial psychology, Neurocognitive science, Artificial Intelligence, Operational and linear programming, probability of concurrency & non-concurrency of values, Human_Machine Interface on Neurons & the Neural perception levels of Brain & Robotic interface, data structure and LIFO & FIFO circuit switching in World Area Nertwork (WAN), a research oriented domain for a connectiom between the Blue Brain Technology and Advanced Artificial Neural Intelligence within a spiritual psychic connection of HUMAN Emotions and Curiosity. Thus , it can be concluded that this project can prune every sectors and clone the new researches for a new dimension.

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