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Ball Screw Cross Slide For Conventional Lathe
Student Team/ Author : Mandar Sanjay Arwade, Abhishek Chandrakant Mahajan , Nikhil Dipak Dr.D.Y.Patil poly.pimpri pune, Swapnil Shamrao Lohar
Guide By : Mr. G. N. Munishwar
Degree : Production Engineering
College : New Polytechnic, Kolhapur
Most of the jobs machined on lathes are having coarse folerance on longitudinal axis but a fine folerance on transverse axis. Today, the conventional lathes are having sliding lead screws on both long and transverse (cross) lead screw with the ball screw. This gives - 1. Increased accuracy and pre 2. Increased production rate. 3. Increased Productivity 4. Less tatigue to worker 5. Reduced on line inspection. 6. User friendliness.

Most of the jobs machined on lathes are having coarse folerance on longitudinal axis but a fine folerance on transverse axis. Today, the conventional lathes are having sliding lead screws on both long and transverse (cross) lead screw with the ball screw. This gives - 1. Increased accuracy and pre 2. Increased production rate. 3. Increased Productivity 4. Less tatigue to worker 5. Reduced on line inspection. 6. User friendliness. The only disadvantage is the higher cost of the ball screw. But this is over weighted by the above mentioned advantages. As such, this project is an endeavour to bridge the gap between the conventional lathe and a CNC lathe.

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