Bamboo Plant And Natural Clay For Sustainable Water Purification : Arsenic And Iron
Student Team/ Author :
Dr. Vivek Ramkrushna Mate,Dr. N. V. Deshpande,Dr. W. Arif,Dr. Ashish B Deoghare
Guide By :
Dr. N. V. Deshpande
Degree :
College :
Innovation Lab., National Institute of Technology Silchar, Silchar-788010, Assam
An inexpensive and sustainable process for both arsenic and iron removal simultaneously from any aqueous supply like ground, surface, etc. using natural resources like Bamboo plant and modified natural clay. In North East (NE) India region enough water is available but scarcity of potable water remains same entire year due to two major cause first one heavy rainfall secondly human interventions. In laboratory tests and field trials, removal of both arsenic and iron from 1 liters of 300 and 2000 ppb respectively below 1 ppb which is lower than the present WHO limit. The chemistry between both bamboo plant and natural clay effectively used for water purification via various reactions occurs simultaneously over the surface of modified clay such as adsorption, oxidation, precipitation, sedimentation, etc. Thus, due to these similar methodologies of water purification in commercial and ours natural live bamboo plant purifier makes it prominent alternative for exiting purification system/technology available in market and also it can help to minimize environmental pollution origin due to m
An inexpensive and sustainable process for both arsenic and iron removal simultaneously from any aqueous supply like ground, surface, etc. using natural resources like Bamboo plant and modified natural clay. In North East (NE) region enough water is available but scarcity of potable water remains same entire year due to two major cause first one heavy rainfall secondly human interventions. In laboratory tests and field trials, removal of both arsenic and iron from 1 liters of 300 and 2000 ppb respectively below 1 ppb which is lower than the present WHO limit. The chemistry between both bamboo plant and natural clay effectively used for water purification via various reactions occurs simultaneously over the surface of modified clay such as adsorption, oxidation, precipitation, sedimentation, etc. Thus, due to these similar methodologies of water purification in commercial and ours natural live purifier makes it prominent alternative for exiting purification system/technology available in market and also it can help to minimize environmental pollution origin due to manufacturing of material and dispose of it. It is further expected that this invention supplies a remarkably inexpensive and sustainable solutions to produce potable water for large population segments.
The process of removal of iron and arsenic from water is via various reactions occurs simultaneously over the surface of modified clay such as adsorption, oxidation, precipitation, sedimentation, etc.
1) The excess of iron trapped inside the aluminosilicate matrix may also act as a precipitating agent by reacting with the soluble arsenic +3 converted into an insoluble +5 oxidation state. The iron silanol polymeric linkages are given below:
(a) (b) (c)
Schematic representation of bonding between Si(OH)4 and Fe(x)OH; (a) bonding with Si(OH)4 monomer, (b) polymerization with silanol, and (c) polymerization with silanol and aluminate.
2) Throughout the oxidation stage of the process/method of the invention, arsenite in the liquid aqueous supply is oxidized to arsenate according to the following reaction:
Fe3+ + (O2)x + AsO21- Fe2+ + AsO43-
3) As the iron (III) oxide oxidizes the arsenite and subsequently reduced to iron in the +2 oxidation state, followed by reaction with the arsenate produced in the oxidation step to generate insoluble iron arsenate as given in the following reaction:
(Fe2+)x + (O2)x + (AsO43-)x Fe3(AsO4)2
The bamboo as a row material which is almost locally/naturally available at reasonably cost, can provides continuous potable water almost free. The unique advantages of this technology is remains continuous operational in any weather condition. Finally ours foremost aim is development of sustainable purification process (without use of any chemical and elcetricity) ultimately provides ‘Clean and safe water for every one’. Moreover, this technology will help every human not only improves its social culture status but also economically as well.
I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions... By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam