Casting Yield Improvement And Reduction Of Defects In
Copper Casting Using Numerical Simulation
Student Team/ Author :
Adrian Peter Pereira
Guide By :
K. N. Ganapathi and Raja Hussain
Degree :
Casting quality is critically affected by solidification pattern and flow of molten metal depending on casting methods followed and material used in the process of manufacturing. The quality of casting is governed by controllable factors apart from a few uncontrollable factors. High yield and less casting defects are two important outputs any foundry is usually concerned about and major defect any foundry tries to eliminate is the shrinkage porosity. Using numerical simulation technology to develop new castings and optimize existing designs is a better way to visualize probable causes and effects for casting defects and poor yield. Casting foundries are more into simulation these days and foundry technology is fast moving to be a perfect science rather than an art. However lack of well-trained designers and analysis experts have created a huge gap in this field and bridging this gap is the future of metal casting technology as advanced analysis software's are developing these days.
In the present study carried out yield improvement and reduction of casting defects was studied and an
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