Design And Development Of An Evidence Collection Black
Box For Automobiles
Student Team/ Author :
K. R. Nithin
Guide By :
Z. Tracy Austina and V. Deepak
Degree :
As the number of on-road vehicles rises, there is a proportionate increase in the accidents. Black Box technology is a tried
and tested technology used in the aircrafts in order to detect the cause of an air crash. The same technology can be
incorporated in the on road vehicles for detecting the cause of an accident and also to identify the offenders. Monitoring
and recording the driver behavior can aid the police departments as well as insurance agencies. Hence there is an
imperative need for building Black Boxes in the on road vehicles.
In this work, a low cost ECU for Black Box is designed and developed using LPC2148 ARM controller, different sensors
to monitor crash, accelerator pedal pressure, brake pedal pressure, vehicle speed, alcohol detection and seat belt. It also
has a memory card interfaced that stores the data from these sensors. Apart from this the system stores the required driving
data of car comprehensively and accurately in real time. A chip recorder IC interfaced to the ECU records voice clips of
limited duration inside the cabin. The ECU also has a GSM and a GPS
I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions... By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam