Design And Development Of Electrical Power Steering
System Meeting Functional Safety Standard
Iso 26262
Student Team/ Author :
J. M. Subhedar
Guide By :
Z. Tracy Austina
Degree :
The work describes a microcontroller architecture fulfilling the requirements for the new Functional Safety standard ISO
26262 for the Electrical Power Steering system for a passenger car. The new safety standard ISO 26262, forces
automotive electronic system manufactures to align all their development processes with safety considerations. The
impending introduction of the ISO 26262 will offer OEMs and suppliers an agreed industry standard for managing risk
for electronic vehicle systems.
Literature survey for Electrical Power Steering system was carried out by referring to online data, books and related
documents. Literature survey on Functional Safety Standard ISO 26262 [all parts] were carried out by referring to
standards, research papers, journals and related documents. System functional block diagram for the Electrical Power
Steering System was arrived at, based on literature review. The sub system components for the proposed Electrical Power
Steering system were identified.
The automotive safety integrity levels for the Electric Power Steering system for the failures Unintende
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