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Mechanical Sowing Machine
Student Team/ Author : C. L. Honwadajkar, M.D.Irfan Lulaniya, John Love Thomas , Bhakti Aade, Komal Vaidya
Guide By : Musa H. Sheikh
Degree : Agriculture
College : Government Polytechnic College, Nanded
This machine is the modification on previous machine. Previous m/c number of operators were more than one & it was work by rotation provided by hand. In the modification an external wheel is provided connected with sprocket chain mechanism.

This machine is the modification on previous machine. Previous m/c number of operators were more than one & it was work by rotation provided by hand. In the modification an external wheel is provided connected with sprocket chain mechanism.

The container is placed at the apex of the machine containing to Compartment, on for seed and other manure. As the machine advances the wheel containing teeth which is grounded rotates. This motion is transferred to the shaft by sprocket and chain mechanism, which leads to fall of seed and manure from the O/p. this leads to proportionate fall of seed and manure which saves wastage of input. A strip of diff. dia. Is also provided at the o/p so that required size of o/p can be obtained. The seed that are sowed also gets covered as the machine advances. The m/c is easily transferable, as the side wheels are provided for locomotion. At the place of work the isde wheels are lifted and locked and the wheel containing teeth comes in work. As the work is over the wheels are unlock, and the wheel containing teeth is locked, this wheel remains lifted from the ground when locked. This provides flexibility to the m/c. to move. This m/c is superior to previous m/c. previously it was hand operated, also covering of seed was done manually were as in this m/c/ only single person can operated it and also covering of seed after sowing is done by m/c.

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