“microcontroller Based Pmdc Motor Control Using Image Processing Algorithm Of Matlab”
Student Team/ Author :
Varun J. Pithwa
Guide By :
Dr. B.R. Parekh
Degree :
Electrical Engineering
College :
Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120,
Gujarat, India
DC Motor control is very common in robotic application. The developments in this kind of project are widely used in most electronic devices now a days. There are many application that have been developed based on motor control in electronic and electrical field such as automation, Flexible manufacturing system and Computer integrated manufacturing. Various DC motor control techniques are used such as chopper circuits for dc motor control, using powermos devices in drives and switched mode controller for DC motors. Also there are various microcontroller based DC motor controllers available but it will result in limitations regarding remote control applications of robotics. This work deals with the direction and speed control of Permanent Magnet dc motor through image processing in matlab. Motor will be controlled on the basis of image of hand captured by webcam. Image will be acquired and processed through Image processing Programming in Matlab. On the basis of movement of hand on both the sides the motor will rotate in both directions clock-wise and anticlock-wise along with its spee
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