Modeling, Analysis And Optimization Of Runner Blade Of Kaplan Turbine
Student Team/ Author :
Guide By :
V.H. Chaudhari
Degree :
Mechanical Engg
College :
BVM Engineering College,
Vallabh Vidyhanagar, Anand,
Gujarat -388120
The Kaplan turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. Power is recovered from the kinetic energy of the flowing water. The runner of Kaplan turbine is axial flow type. The water at inlet & outlet of runner is parallel to axis of turbine. During these process stresses are built up among many parts of Kaplan turbine like guide vane, runner blade, screws, hub, shaft etc. During these process stresses are built up among many parts of Kaplan turbine like guide vane, runner blade, screws, hub, shaft etc. The wall thickness of hub is much bigger therefore stress analysis of hub is not necessary. The screws, pins, etc parts do not contribute much to weight & cost of turbine. Guide vanes also show less stress parameters compared to runner blades. The runner blade design is the main factor for optimizing the Kaplan turbine design. Parameters which affect the runner blade optimization are material of blade, runner blade diameter, stress relive groove/primary chamfer, thickness of blade.
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