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On-board Production Of Hho Gas In Automobiles, Using The Exhaust Waste Heat Energy
Student Team/ Author : Anshul Kumar
Guide By : M.K. Shukla
Degree :
College : JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida
Use of hydrogen as a fuel in IC engines has been supported for years, particularly because of it's high combustion energy and power output; besides the nontoxic emissions. However, the development and research of hydrogen based engines has always been hindered by the issue of production and storage of hydrogen. In the context of our proposed HHO-gasoline powered internal combustion engine, the primary fuel for powering the engine is still gasoline but we are utilizing the loss of gasoline generated power by generating a secondary fuel in the form of HHO gas. A thermo-electric generator or a number of thermo-electric generators are employed on the engine exhaust which converts the engine generated heat energy into electric power. This electric power is then used to electrolyze the water to generate hydrogen. The hydrogen produced in the process is fed to engine, by blending it with gasoline supply, to reuse the power, lost in the form of heat from the engine. Modern gasoline engines have a maximum thermal efficiency of about 25% to 30% when used to power a car. In other words, even w
The project addresses several issues associated with Automobile engines; reduction of harmful exhaust emissions from the IC Engines, enhancing the engine fuel economy, increasing the engine power. Moreover, the project supports the use of Hydrogen in IC engines by resolving the problem of production and storage of Hydrogen. Also, using HHO as fuel leads to better combustion efficiency compared to Hydrogen, due to presence of Oxygen as well. And finally as the concept utilizes the waste heat for HHO production, the process is self sustained to produce its secondary fuel by the exhaust heat of engine.

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