College :
Project Abstract
SONAR is an acronym that stands for sound navigation and ranging. This system make use of sound waves for detecting and locating the objects under water like rocks, submarines, icebergs and to find the depth of water bodies and to communicate underwater. Here the use of sound is to locate echo underwater. It is based on the principle of sensing and detection. Now a day the SONAR system is using by NAVY to measure sea depth and to detect the obstacles and also for underwater communication by sending and receiving acoustic waves. SONAR system is also used for underwater security to detect frogmen and scuba divers. The strength of the SONAR transmission is an important factor in considering potential impact on marine species. The output power of SONAR is dependent on the designed purpose of the system. Lower output powers are used for SONAR designed to detect objects in shallow water or close to the source.
In this project, we are doing some modifications that we are making it by using Arduino and android app. Bluetooth module is used to send the data to android a
I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions... By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam