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Project Title : |
Design and Fabrication of Multupurpose Agriculture Equipment : Krushak |
By : |
Vinaykumar Basantkumar Muley, Ankit Kishor Shirsath, Aniket Yashwant Aware, Ashwin Thakkar, Mahesh Teli |
Guide : |
M.V. Rawlani |
College and University : |
Mechanical Engineering Departments of SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology,
Bambhori, Jalgaon |
Year |
2016-17 |
Culture of India is the Agriculture. In India, 67% of population is depend on agriculture. In India many farmers commits suicide every year. The big question arised is that “Why the farmers commits suicides?” The reasons behind farmer committing suicides are less productivity, insufficient income, low monsoon, unpaid loans etc. In India, it is very essential to discover and implement new idea in this field, though lot of work has been done in this area. It is unfortunate that, these ideas are not been implemented properly in actual field. This is due to high cost and is complicated for rural people. Multipurpose agriculture equipment is basic and major equipment involved in agriculture for maximum yielding. In India farm land is divided into small pieces when generation changes. Due to this farmers have very low land area. The low lands holders unable to use high cost machineries, because these are not affordable for them, so we have designed a “Krushak- a Multipurpose Agriculture Equipment”. This is one piece solution for main farming operations such as power tilling, seed sowing, pesticide spraying, reaping.
Project Title : |
Measurment and Dissemination Of Environmental Parameters To The Society Using IoT. |
By : |
Kunal S. Varudkar, Ghanshyam M. Sonar, Mustansir S. Raja, Ishwar R. Thakare, Chetan M. Patil |
Guide : |
Dr. Umesh S. Bhadade |
College and University : |
Information Technology Departments of SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology,
Bambhori, Jalgaon |
Year |
2016-17 |
The project is based on Internet of things. Basically IoT is the platform where we connect any electronic device and access it using the World Wide Web. “Measurement of environmental parameters using IoT” is the unique concept of gathering and measuring the environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, CO2, noise in a single compact device. We will then disseminate the processed information to our various sources like LED display, App’s & Website. The data generated by our kit can be further used for weather forecasting. This idea promotes the concept of “Digital India”.
Such a system contains pair of sensors like temperature, Gas and humidity will be monitored .The data from the sensors are collected by the microcontroller and also microcontroller sends the sensors data in to the server database by using the Serial Communication and this module will keep the data on webserver.
Basically the working of this project will: -The sensor will collect the data from its environment and will send that data up to the web server using Arduino Uno r3.
After that we will further process that data by taking the average readings which will be much accurate than any other devices. We will then disseminate the processed information to our various sources like LED display, App’s & Website. The data generated by our kit can be further used for weather forecastin
Keywords – Pollution Monitoring, Smart city, Internet of Things, Cloud.
Project Title : |
Solar powered bicycle with dual charging mode |
By : |
Ranjeet R. Kanojiya, Ganesh B. Chaudhari, Vaibhav B. Nehete, Ankit R. Kanojiya, Kanhaiya B. Chaudhari |
Guide : |
Dr. P.J.Shah, Prof.(Dr.) P. J. Shah |
College and University : |
Electrical Engineering Departments of SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology,
Bambhori, Jalgaon |
Year |
2016-17 |
A method of upgrades a conventional electric powered bicycle over to Solar-Powered Electrical Bicycle that is powered by an electric motor which gets its supply from photovoltaic (PV) panels. The PV panels must be mounted and installed at the electric bicycle without compromising riding comfort ability. The method employs a small electric motor that are easily connected and separated for ease of transport. A solar collector is connected to the rechargeable batteries for collecting solar energy and converting such energy to electrical power that is delivered to the rechargeable batteries for recharging thereof. A rechargeable battery is operable connected to DC motor for providing electrical power to drive the motor. The focus of project has been to perform energy calculations and system design on solar powered E-bike pools. The calculation methodology may however be applied to any city around the world. It was shown that placing 0.2-0.8 m2 solar panels per E-bike on the station's roof could supply enough energy to make the E-bike self-sufficient on a yearly basis despite high degree of system use. By increasing the solar panel area it was shown that there can be a net electric energy production on a yearly basis. At the maximum assumed solar panel area (about 3-3.8 m2/E-bike) there could be 600-800 kWh of solar energy fed to the grid per E-bike and year depending on the usage level.
Project Title : |
Fabrication & Study of Concentric Pipe Heat Excahnger |
By : |
Chetan Y. Kharche, Sushila N. Pawade, Akshata H. Dhale |
Guide : |
College and University : |
Chemical Engineering Departments of SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology,
Bambhori, Jalgaon |
Year |
2016-17 |
In industries data about friction factor calculations for dimpled tube is not appropriately available. Inadequate data is available about the heat transfer coefficient and friction losses in dimpled type. To increase the heat transfer area and decrease friction factor, it is proposed to fabricate and design dimpled tube heat exchanger. This data can be then used for designing of the equipment in the industry. On the basis of study we are modifying the inner pipe of the double pipe heat exchanger by using dimple tube. The theoretical results show that using dimpled tube in concentric heat exchanger give better performance.
Project Title : |
Fermentative Production And Characterization Of Actinomycin By Streptomyces Antibioticus Using Protein Rich Supplement As A Substrate |
By : |
Bhagyashri Patil, Pallavi Lothe, Bhagyashri Patil, Pallavi Lothe, Sadaf Idrisi, Rashmi Kambale |
Guide : |
Dr. I.D.Patil |
Co-Guide : |
Jayant P.Parpalliwar |
College and University : |
Biotechnology Departments of SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology,
Bambhori, Jalgaon |
Year |
2016-17 |
Actinomycin is a clear, yellow liquid administered intravenously and most commonly used in treatment of a variety of cancers. Actinomycin is a class of polypeptide antitumor antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. It is one of the older anticancer drugs, and has been used for many years. Actinomycin producing strain is Streptomyces antibioticus. Actinomycin is shown to have the ability to inhibit transcription. Actinomycin does this by binding DNA at the transcription initiation complex and preventing elongation of RNA chain by RNA polymerase. Production of actinomycin will be done by submerged fermentation process using protein rich supplement i.e. spent grains and cereals as a substrate, under optimal condition. Fermentation period will be for 5 days at 28°C at pH 6-7. Extraction and purification of actinomycin will be done by solvent process using chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, etc.
Keywords: Actinomycin, antibiotics, Streptomycesantibioticus, anticancer, protein rich supplement.
Project Title : |
Production, Purification & Characterization of Bacterial Xylanase using Spent Grains & Sugar Bagasse as Substrate |
By : |
Sangeeta Singh,Diksha Mishra,Preeti Sonawane, Komal Patil |
College and University : |
Department of Biotechnology , SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. |
Year |
2015-16 |
The purpose of this bachelor`s thesis was to produce the xylanase enzyme by two different methods 1.solid state fermentation 2. Submerged fermentation. In the experimental part, two different substrate were experimented: the sugarcane bagasse was used for solid state fermentation and spent grains were used for submerged fermentation. A new species of fungi, streptomyces species strain-5027, produced extracellular xylanase under solid state fermentation i.e. 0.08unit per ml per gram of sugarcane bagasse as carbon source. The submerged fermentation was carried out on using spent grains such as rice , corn , rice husk, wheat, bajra, with including different legumes as a substrate for xylanase production by Bacillus Polymyxa strain -2539 i.e.0.0129gms per gram of substrate. The extracellular xylanase was isolated by ammonium sulfate (80%) precipitation and analysed using DNSA method. The enzyme was active on birchwood xylan and little active on p-nitrophenyl xylopyranoside but not on Avicel, CMC, cellobiose, and starch showing its absolute substrate specificity.
Project Title : |
Preparation of Nanocatalyst & It’s Application |
By : |
Pratiksha S. Gaikwad,Priyanka P. Londhe, Ashwini N. Pajai |
College and University : |
Department of Biotechnology , SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. |
Year |
2015-16 |
Textile industry has been condemned as one of the world’s worst offenders in terms of pollution because 10-15% of all the dyes used in the industry are lost within wastewater during processing. The presence of even very low concentrations of dyes in effluent is highly visible and degradation products of these textile dyes are often carcinogenic. Owing to the complex nature of synthetic dyes, conventional biological treatment methods are ineffective. Hence there exist needs for developing treatment techniques that can lead to the complete destruction of the dye molecules from waste stream. The current study focused to develop a new photocatalytic reactor using immobilized TiO2 capacity to decolourise and degrade textile industry effluent in an effective way. Nanocatalyst with spherical shape and homogeneous size has been synthesized through a chemical method using TiCl3 as precursor. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles were prepared by chemical precipitation method using magnetic stirrer at 500 rpm and ultrasonication at 150 watts and 20 KHz frequency as a mixing media. Prepared sample characterization is done using XRD, FTIR and SEM. Prepared TiO2 nanocatalyst is used for the decolorisation of dye solution using Photocatalytic process. The results of this study have shown that the degradation of different textile dyes was successfully carried out in laboratory scale photoreactor containing coated TiO2 as photo catalyst. Calcium alginate can be used as a green support for immobilizing TiO2 nanoparticles and can be used for developing a new environment friendly immobilization system for large scale water treatment.
Project Title : |
Designing of Wearable Sensors for Monitoring Human ActivitySubstrate |
By : |
Ashwini Jalankar,Amanpreetkaur Lamba, Divya Oza, Nazia Hajii |
College and University : |
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. |
Year |
2015-16 |
Continuous technological innovation in research and development in the two decades has resulted in development of different smart systems for health monitoring for individuals at their home with wireless technology. A wearable non-invasive device has been developed to monitor physiological parameters ( such as body-temperature, heart rate, detection of all ) of a human project. The system consist of an electronic device which in worn on the wrist and finger, by the person to be monitored. The system can be used by elderly or the person at risk or even by a normal person for the monitoring of physiological parameters. Using several sensors to measure different vital signs, the person can be wirelessly monitored within his own home, may be defined as a smart home. A heart rate sensor has been developed to monitor the heart rate continuously. An accelerometer has been used to detect falls. The device has the capability to determine the stressed condition of the person. This sets off an alarm which can go to a care-giver, allowing help to be provided to the person. Since no vision sensors (camera or infra-red) are used, the system is non-invasive, respects privacy and it is expected that it will find wide acceptance. The system can be used in combination with the bed sensor (part of the home monitoring system) to monitor the person during the night. The complete system will help to monitor the person during day and night and will be suitable to an elderly living alone at home.
Project Title : |
Solar Water Heating System Using Innovative Flat Plate Colletor And Storage Volume |
By : |
Shakib Anwar Shaikh,Pranav Sutariya,Azhar Khan,Yogesh Patil,Shaikh Khalid |
College and University : |
Department of Mechanical Engineering , SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. |
Year |
2015-16 |
An Innovative design of solar water heater flat plate collector is developed and tested. The collector is made-up of rectangular aluminium having size 0.97 m X 1.81 m total surface area for heat conduction is 1.9845 m2. The absorber is made of Aluminium box with one large surface exposed to sunlight having size 1.94 m x 1.1 m x 0.1 m, glass 4 mm thick toughened to cover the box large open surface, black paint for absorbing solar radiation and insulation layer. Maximum temperature of water obtained at outlet of collector is 73.3 0C. Also an innovative storage tank is investigated. The storage tank is made up of MS plate, 50 mm puff insulation, outer-cladding cover, inside coating with Fiber Reinforcement plastic and 60%-40% partition for hot and cold water. Due to this FRP coating thermal conductivity of tank material and night heat losses get reduced. In conventional hot water storage tank night temperature losses is found to be 9 0C while in modified FRP coating tank with partition night temperature losses is found to be 4 0C.
Project Title : |
Design & Manufacturing of Modified Two Stage Reduction Gear Box for all Terrain Vehicles. |
By : |
Nakul Tayade,Kapil Saindane,Abhinav Chavan,Amol Nandre,Sanket Bhavsar |
College and University : |
Department of Mechanical Engineering , SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon. |
Year |
2015-16 |
In this project of design and fabrication of two stage reduction spur gear box for All terrain vehicle will be done. In this project we are going to design and fabricate the gear box for single seat all-terrain vehicle which is coupled to CVT (Continuous Variable Transmission). The design consists of four gear wheels, shafts, bearings and casing. This gearbox reduces requirement of countershaft, clutch, gear shifter and propeller shaft. The gear wheels are directly coupled to each other so the design is light weight. Vehicle gains speed faster than those of vehicles which use manual transmission, thus the vehicles has advantage in acceleration.
Project Title : |
By : |
Sangeeta Behera, Supriti Naik, Swapnashree Mohanty |
College and University : |
Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha / Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha |
Year |
2014-15 |
Earthquakes can be among the most devastating and terrifying of natural hazards. Although floods, tornadoes and hurricanes account for much greater annual loss in the United States, severe earthquakes pose the largest risk in terms of sudden loss of life and property. Seismic waves are useful for locating earthquakes, determining the amount of energy that was released, and determining what type of fault slip occurred. That is why this product is needed so that we can de-noised the seismic waves for the early detection of earthquake, so that we can protect our earth from this type of catastrophe |
Project Title : |
Alternate Machine Validation of Early Brain Tumor Detection |
By : |
Abhipsa Das, Aparna Moharana, Laxmipriya Sahoo
College and University : |
Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha / Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha |
Year |
2014-15 |
It is difficult to detect cancer in its early stages because symptoms appear only in the advanced stages. More people die because of cancer such as brain,lung,breast,colon and prostate cancers. There is significant evidence indicating that the early detection of cancer will decrease mortality rate .There are many techniques to diagnose cancer, such as Chest Radiography (x-ray), computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan) and Sputum Cytology. In other words, most of these techniques are detecting the cancer in its advanced stages, where the patients’ chance of survival is very low.
Project Title : |
Recommender Portal using Bigdata Analytics |
By : |
Ayesh Chinmay, Diksha Gupta, Saurabh Chandra |
College and University : |
Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha / Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha |
Year |
2014-15 |
Our objective is to build one recommender, based on fuzzy classifier which will be trained by the help of bench marked dataset available in the web. Accordingly the recommender will predict with the degree of likeness when the user will use the portal for those whose information can be traced from the web. But for other users on the basis of information given, recommender will suggest the appropriate items with likeness. |
Project Title : |
By : |
College and University : |
Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha / Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha |
Year |
2014-15 |
Aim of the design is to develop a system based on Embedded micro controller (PIC) which is used to control appliances like fan, heater, light etc through remote and touch screen. The current design is based on PIC16F877A micro controller. It is a model of real time control of various channels of a TV using a remote control with few exceptions, i.e. as we could control the operations of a TV we could even operate various loads from a distance using a remote control, which contains IR emitter and the protocol used is RC5 protocol. The controlling function of the appliances is also done through touch screen. A LCD is used to display the status of appliances. |
Project Title : |
Online Product Offers Hub of Shopping Malls of Bhubaneswar |
By : |
Raunak Kumar Singh,Shruti Dash,Ankita Priya,Jyotirekha Mishra |
College and University : |
Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha / Biju Pattnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha |
Year |
2014-15 |
The project “Online Product Offers Hub of Shopping Malls of ODISHA” provides user friendly information gateway of product offers/discounts available in different shopping Malls opened in different cities of Odisha. It also provide a comparative Price Analysis feature of particular product available in different Malls. The customers can avail the facilities through internet from any location
Project Title : |
Fermentative Production of Bacillus Protease using Vegetable Waste as Substrate |
By : |
Lilesh Pustode, Bhagyashree Magare, Stephy Rangari, Aaisha Sayyad, Ankita Narkhede |
College Name : |
SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori,Jalgaon. |
Protease is one of the most important industrial enzymes due to having some biotechnological interests It account for about 60% of the total worldwide sale of enzymes. Microbial proteases were produced from high yielding strain Bacillus subtilis 2724 by using agro-waste especially vegetable waste as a substrate in submerged fermentation. Protein and carbohydrate estimation techniques were used for measuring their quantity present in the media. The fermentation profile like pH (7),temperature (37°C),inoculum size (3mL/100mL media),incubation time (48 hrs).Glucose as a carbon source, peptone as a nitrogen source and casein as a protein source were used for the optimization of media. The recovery of crude enzyme done by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min. Qualitative analysis done by HPLC. Ammonium sulphate precipitation method was used for the recovery of protease from supernatant. The main purpose of the project was to use the agro-waste efficiently for the production of protease. Purified protease has the potential application of destaining and degradation of gelatinous coating of x-ray films.
Project Title : |
Effective Recycling of the Paper Waste |
By : |
Ruchita M. Joshi,Bhagyashree Khetre,Neerajkumar Yadav |
College Name : |
SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori,Jalgaon. |
Today the finest of papers are produced all over the world, but one dismaying fact is that millions of trees are fell in day to make paper. Also paper made by conventional method causes high pollution problem. Discarded paper is a major component of many landfill sites, accounting for about 35 percent by weight of municipal solid waste (before recycling), so the waste paper available in plenty can be recycled for production of handmade paper. Paper recycling is the process of turning waste paper into new paper products. The paper waste emanating from industries/various sources incorporating intensive use of paper can very conveniently be recycled for reuse in the parent industry, often saving costs. Energy consumption is reduced by recycling. In paper manufacturing the fibrous portion of the paper are reduced to pulp by chemical action followed by mechanical processes. For handmade paper making firstly we collect waste paper materials and sorting out on the basis of quality control. Soak the collected waste material in water for prior to pulping, for pulp production hydrapulper is used. Thoroughly mixed pulp should be poured on the handmade VAT. Various agents are added to stock to enhance the bonding between the fibers like starch, polysaccharide, resins etc. The pulp adhered to the cloth over which it is poured holds pulp and then keep for drying process. To achieve smoothness in paper press, the each paper is dried separately using iron box. Further it is cut the sheets to the required size and shape. Handmade paper products conserve resources and generate less pollution and it uses much less energy. It reduces total number of trees that are cut down to make paper and can be reduced overall demand of wood and it is more economical. It is eco-friendly and provides rural employment. Paper has reinvented the way we communicate, record history. It is portable, smaller, and thinner, and has triggered the inventions of new cleaning products, printing, and even foods. Carry bags, visiting cards, files, greeting cards, invitation covers, envelops, scribbling pad are the product produced by using handmade paper.
Project Title : |
Smart Human Transports |
By : |
Ajay P Sonawane, Parag A Agrawal, Nandan K Chaudhari,Akash D Thakur |
College Name : |
SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori,Jalgaon. |
There are many places such as malls, tourist places , industrial areas, educational institutes and many more where people need to move from one place to another very frequently and it is not always possible to cover such distances just by walking. Also it consumes our valuable time and energy. Even we can’t rely totally on bicycles for this, also as there is an substantial increase in human population , it led to the scarcity of resources and also it has cause less space for vehicles to move freely on roads and insufficient space for parking. The vehicles which are used now-a-days produce more smoke and sound which is proven to be hazardous.This project is about the Smart human transporter; a two wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicle which imitates the walking principle and human balance. It consists of four major elements: the wheel and motor assembly, the sensor system, the circuit board and the operator control system. We aim at producing a fully-operational Smart vehicle with a compact design which caters for better shock absorption on terrains and includes an improved control system. The rider drives the vehicle by standing on the platform and leaning in the direction to move. The handlebar also serves as steering control of the vehicle. It balances by detecting the tilt angle using an accelerometer and gyroscope, calculating the corrective action using a PID controller implemented on a microcontroller to move forward or backwards automatically to regain its balance. By the end of the project we aim to develop a fully operational Smart vehicle. The dynamics of the vehicle is similar to the classical control problem of an inverted pendulum, which means that it is unstable and prone to tip over. This is prevented by electronics sensing the pitch angle and its time derivative, controlling the motors to keep the vehicle balancing.
Project Title : |
Brain wave Control Robot |
By : |
Vaibhavdeep Sahare, Mrityunjay Bharat, Bhushan Chauhan |
College Name : |
SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori,Jalgaon. |
This system aims to the actuation of the robotic car using the brain waves and it is a trial which is meant for physically challenged persons with neuromuscular disabilities. Whenever a person gazes towards any object a stimulus is generated in the Visual Cortex Area of the Human Brain. This stimulus is present at the scalp of the forehead. This stimulus is called as Visually Evoked Potential. The generated stimulus will be certain potential and it also varies with the flicker which consistently changes up to certain frequencies for various thinking modes and capabilities of a Human Being. This potential is present at the occipital reason of the forehead and the ground is at the earlobe. This potential is usually captured by an EEG capturing mind wave headset which is Neurosky mindwave mobile headset and the signal is transmitted to the robotic car using the Bluetooth module and this signal is given to the robotic car to actuate. The system design is a simple approach which has been implemented so far with the help of certain accessories and thus it’s an approach to make it more cost effective and useful for further analysis. |
Project Title : |
Energy Conservation of Water Motor pump by using Modified Cooling System |
By : |
Dhitraj Thorat,Deepak Kakade, Rakesh Chatap |
College Name : |
SSBT's, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori,Jalgaon. |
Water motor pumps are the heart of the most industrial, Irrigation and home process, and the second most common machine in the world. These pumps are looked as a potential source to improved productivity, if operated properly. The performance of water motor pumps are usually improved with enhance to design, material and its cooling system. The local survey has done mainly the use of water motor pumps (0.5 to 1.5HP) for pumping water for home purpose. As per the survey in market it is examined that most of the motor pump are running under adverse situations and giving less performance and high energy consumption. The various reasons are selected to eradicate the problems. In this project cheapest and widely used water motor pump (0.5HP) is selected and modification in its design mainly based on efficient cooling. This project will enhance the performance of the motor under adverse conditions and consumes less electrical energy which is affordable for common peoples in India. |
News & Announcement
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Meerut youth bags Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award for developing 'black box' of cars
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Uttarakhand Engineering Student Wins Gandhian Award For Developing 'Black Box' For Cars
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I am extremely happy to see an initiative of SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions...
By Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
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